Installation on The ConstructSim

The Virtual Robot project can also be run on this platform. If you do not have a suitable workstation to run Virtual Robot environment, then The ConstructSim is an ideal solution. In the following video, you will see how to run the project on this cloud simulation:

  • In order to create an account on TheConstructSim, you first need to go to the main page and click on create your free account

  • After you finish signing up and logging in, you can create a new rosject by going to the menu My Rosjects under the ROS Dev. Studio menu. Then, click on Create a New Rosject

  • Under ROS Distro, choose ROS2 Foxy. Choose a name for your project and add your description. If you want to create a private project, don’t forget to do so.

  • After clicking create, it will appear in your rosject list

  • Click on your new project and then click on Run